Significance of the Position and High at Solar Chimney Performance on Dense Low-cost House in Warm Humid Climate

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Sugini Sugini
Etik Mufida


The ultimate goal of this research is to develop a solar chimney cooling model in dense residential for the purpose of energy saving and air pollution reduction as a result of active cooling use. The problem is limited to the significance of position and height affecting the performance of vertical solar chimney (VSC). The method for the research is adopted from simulation based on empirical data of field measurement. The case taken is within the vicinity of Jogoyudan, Yogyakarta Indonesia with warm humid tropical climate. Modelling is done with Pyrosim software. The models tested were 13 models consisting of 1 NSC model, and 12 models with VSC (3 variations of VSC height, and 4 variations of VCS position). External data as input is data that represents 3 zones of a house: in the middle, on the edge of the road and on the edge of the river. From the modelling results, it was observed that the behaviour of heat distribution in indoor space was caused by the variation of position and height dimensional variation of VSC stack. Data were analyzed by making comparison and correlation with statistical tool of SPSS. The research conclusions are: (1) The position of VSC is proven to be differentiate significantly on heat behaviour in indoor space; (2) The height of VSC has not been proven to significantly differentiate the behaviour of heat in the indoor space.


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