Export Innovation System: Changing Structure of India’s Technology-Intensive Exports

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Pranav N. Desai


This paper attempts to analyse India’s changing structure of technology-intensive exports using a systemic perspective. In doing so, it explores the increasing signifcance of linkages between National and International System of Innovation. Technology-intensive exports from the developing economies have witnessed rapid growth and an increase in their share compared with low-tech or medium tech exports in international trade in the last two decades. India is no exception to this and has demonstrated a sharp increase in the manufactured exports of technology-intensive products. The paper examines the changing structure of exports and its link with economic development and whether technological learning affects low, medium and high-tech differently. Findings reveal that export performance can be enhanced through improving technological capabilities. However, it is not only codifed knowledge in R&D output such as publications, patents and designs that influence technological learning and innovation process. Interactive processes of international collaboration, inward and outward foreign direct investments also contribute significantly towards this process.


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