Terrestrial invertebrates on Pulau Jarak And Pulau Lalang, Straits of Malacca

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Rosli Ramli
Mohd Sofian Azirun
Rosli Hashim
Nurul Ashikin Abdullah
Siti Zaleha Mat Diah


Two visits to Pulau Jarak and Pulau Lalang of Straits of Malacca were carried out on 5-6 June 2004 and 23-28 November 2007 to document the diversity of selected taxa of terrestrial invertebrates. Various techniques such as sweep nets, pit-fall traps, flying intersection traps, Winkler method, light traps, and manual search (assisted by visual aid such as digital cameras and digital video-camera) were employed. There were great variations in diversity of terrestrial invertebrates inhabiting both islands. In Pulau Jarak, a single species of land-crab (Gecarcoidea lalandii), three species of butterflies, a single species of fruit fly (Bactrocera carambolae) and seventeen species of ants were recorded. In Pulau Lalang, there were three species of butterflies and twenty-four species of ants. However, the study period was too short for a comprehensive representation of terrestrial invertebrates species inhabiting the islands.
Dua lawatan ke Pulau Jarak dan Pulau Lalang yang terletak di Selat Melaka telah dijalankan pada 5-6 Jun 2004 dan 23-28 November 2007 bagi merekodkan kepelbagaian beberapa kumpulan invertebrata daratan. Pelbagai teknik seperti jaring sapu, perangkap lubang, perangkap pintas terbang, kaedah Winkler, perangkap cahaya, dan pencarian manual (dengan bantuan peralatan visual seperti kamera digital dan kamera video digital) telah digunakan. Terdapat perbezaan besar di dalam kepelbagaian invertebrata daratan yang mendiami kedua-dua pulau. Di Pulau Jarak, satu spesies ketam darat (Gecarcoidea lalandii), tiga spesies rama-rama, satu spesies lalat buah (Bactrocera carambolae), and tujuh belas spesies semut telah direkodkan. Di Pulau Lalang, terdapat tiga spesies rama-rama dan dua puluh empat spesies semut. Walaubagaimanapun, tempoh kajian adalah terlalu singkat bagi mendapatkan senarai lengkap inveretbrata daratan di pulau tersebut.


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How to Cite
Ramli, R., Azirun, M. S., Hashim, R., Abdullah, N. A., & Mat Diah, S. Z. (2008). Terrestrial invertebrates on Pulau Jarak And Pulau Lalang, Straits of Malacca. Malaysian Journal of Science, 27(3), 119–122. Retrieved from https://samudera.um.edu.my/index.php/MJS/article/view/7715
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