Al-Mu‘tazilah wa Musāhamātihim fī al-Fikr al-Islāmī

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Engku Ahmad Zaki Engku Alawi


This article attempts to view the significance of al-Mu'tazilah in the development of Islamic theology. They played a vital role in introducing and developing the methodology of Islamic theology and their impact was so great especially information of Islamic epistemology in the field of usul al-Din. It highlights the five important principles of Mu'tazilah and reviews the differences between them and al-Asya'irah in understanding the al-Qada' and al-Qadar issue according to al-Quran and al-Sunnah guidelines.


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How to Cite
Engku Alawi, E. A. Z. (2003). Al-Mu‘tazilah wa Musāhamātihim fī al-Fikr al-Islāmī. Jurnal Usuluddin, 18, 211–226. Retrieved from